Blackie by Barbara / Mom, Barbara

My sweet cat Blackie left me on June 3rd 2005. It’s been so hard for me,the tears won’t stop and I feel so empty inside.
She was an indoor cat but slipped out on June 2nd at night. The next day I found her body in the road. I buried her on the morning of the 3rd and I have been crying ever since.
Let me tell you about her please.
She was 17 and very sweet, with a purr so loud the vet could not hear her heart upon examinations. She was still full of life even though her kidneys were starting to fail. She played with her catnip mouse, and jumped on my lap every time I would sit down. I spent the day of the 2nd on my deck in the sun with Blackie on my lap, oh how she loved the sun on her old tired body. I hugged her more that day, I don’t know why but God must have known he was going to take her that night. Please know how wonderful she was to me, and how much this is killing me inside. I know someday my tears will be less and my smiles will be more as I think of all the joy she brought me, but for now I am so sad.
Rest in God’s arms my sweet kitty, I love you and will always miss you.


Rest in Peace, my sweet Blackie