Booger by Jenni & Johnny / Mommy and Daddy

Booger began his life in a breeding warehouse with hundreds of other rats. He was sent to Petco with a shipment of rats for sale. Petco is a Pet retail store where Jenni and I work. Within a week of being there he developed an ear infection and a head tilt. The tilt never went away, but added a certain character to him, a character other rats didn’t have. In some way that ear infection and tilt saved his life. He was treated by a vet and sent back to the store for further treatment and then was to be put up for adoption. Jenni and I immediately fell in love with him.

He had a certain glow about him. He was more than just a rat he was our friend. I kept telling her she should take him home. I knew he was a wonderful boy, and would give her so much love. He spent a good three months in our wellness room before Jenni finally gave in. She took him home around the beginning of July. I was so happy he found a great home. By the middle of July Booger was like a son to Jenni and I. He gave us so much love and affection, you couldn’t ask for more. We took him out to play with us, shop with us, even eat with us.
He was part of the family.

He lived a great life, but a few days after Thanksgiving this year, he developed an abscess and bone disease. Before we knew it he was in and out of the vet for three weeks. We were treating him with medicines and keeping him close to us. One day we woke up and there was no blood going to his feet or face. We knew this was bad. We located an amazing vet in Huntington, NY named Hiedi Hoefer, who works out of the West Hills Animal Hospital. She looked for ways of saving him but, sadly, there was nothing she could do. Well our little Booger was put to sleep December 5th, 2005.
We miss him dearly.

He was like a son to us. We cherish every moment spent. His little life was cut short, but he gave so much joy to us and everyone he touched the short while we were blessed with his presence. We love you Booger and we can’t wait to see you again.


With all the love in our Hearts Booger,
Jenni & Johnny