Boppie by Kelsey / Brent, Donna, & Kelsey.

I always wanted a cat. My mom never wanted one, she said they were “too much trouble.” But then, one day, my mom finally said she’d get me a cat. She said it would be an “Outside cat.”

My sister, who was in nursing school at the time, had a friend that bred cat. My mom and I decided this was great, so my sister drove us there.

The womans cat had just had a new litter, and she had rejected the runt. It looked ugly, like a little mole rat. But we decided to take her, not knowing if she’d live. We bottle-fed her, and my dog, Winkie, a ten year old Dachshund at the time, was jealous of this new comer.

My cat started off at trouble. We’d have to feed her at the middle of the night, and we’d have to rub her behind to make her go to the bathroom. And, she had worms.

And what became of her being an “outside cat?” My mom loved that cat. So did my dad. We always babied her, buying her a new toy every week, gave her the best of food, spoiling her badly.

Then, after the beloved two years we had her, she started getting sick. She started breathing harder each day. We took her to the vet and he said she had pneumonia. He gave us a weeks’ supply of medicine, which helped her. Then she just got worse after that ran out.

We took her to the vet and they gave her a newer type of medicine. But she wouldn’t take it. She’s hack it up, foaming at the mouth.

Then, on this very day, she died.

She was hacking up, as if she had something caught in her throat, and I was holding her, trying to help her get it out, and she just died in my arms.

Boppie, I love you. I’ll never forget you. You were so special. You brought a special light into my life. You’re in Gods hands now, and you can chase all the butterflies and birds you’ll like. I know we’ll meet again, Boppie, in heaven. You brought the most wonderful two years of my life. We’ll never forget you, and my heart will always be with you. May God bring you a wonderful new life, with your angel wings.


Forever the cherished love to you, Boppie,