
Oct. 10 1988 —– May 21 2000


On the evening of May 21 2000 when I realized that my Senior

Seizure-Alert/Ambulatory Assist/Guide Dog was going to die I couldn’t stop

crying. Suddenly it was as if my world had crumbled before me.

All I kept saying was that it wasn’t the way he was suppose to die.

You see back in June 1998 the building in which I lived in 30 Buchanan Place,

was under the management of a new Landlord Peter Magistro.

He and his wife Margaret Magistro rescue felines.

Thanks to them Bruce the other canines and felines in my care and

myself were going to move to a brownstone with a beautiful backyard,

just 2.5 blocks away. It was there 2093 Davidson Avenue that BRUCE

was suppose to spend his retirement days enjoying that wonderful backyard

and the doggie swimming pool that I was going to have someone build for me.

He was not suppose to have died in the emergency room

with half his front leg gone and after spending two weeks in pain and

unable to properly stand. He spent one week at The Armory Dog & Cat

Hospital (where I visited him for hours every day–including feeding him as

he did not want to eat with them.) The other week he spent home with me and

my brother where we catered to his every need including giving him his

favorite treats and even cooking steaks and chicken for him.

No one not even the Vet expected him to die.

However we did anticipate the lose of his front leg not his life.

The Landlord and I had discussed installing a pulley system

in the backyard so that BRUCE could learn to use three legs

and undergo some serious physical therapy.

We had finalized the plans on May 20 2000

but BRUCE died the next night.

Every minute of every day I think about BRUCE.

In my mind I visualize all the crazy times we had together

as he was hyperactive–and then I start

crying again as he is no longer here.

