It was very cold and grey that long ago day it was the winter of 83.
December so I've heard em say. It was cold and it was grey -
and oh the pain I remember the pain.
My leg I can't move it it's broken I know. I'd close my eyes and the pain was there.
And the cold and the cold and the pain. How long oh Lord oh Lord how long?
How long did I lie there oh Lord how long? And my leg and the pain and the cold the cold.
But God in Heaven - heard my sad whimper and an angel she was I know she was an angel.
Her words were kind and her touch was loving. And the cold was hurt and the leg was hurt.
But there she was and there she is and my angel was there and the cold fled away
I know not where. And the pain and leg and the cold and the grey soon faded and faded and
faded away.
And when I awoke there was my angel and her words were kind and her touch
was gentle. And she said to me she said to me; hello Bruno hello.
Here's a friend friend Bruno. And his name was Duke and he's all tan and I'm black and
tan and his name is Duke and me well bless me so - cause my name is Bruno - my angel said.
And the cold was gone! And the pain was-- well it's not so bad. Not with a friend and not with
my angel. And time did pass by weeks and days and months and yes even years.
What's time to me cause I've my friend Duke and even more my angel was there and her touch
was gentle and her words were kind - this angel of mine.
And time did pass and pass did time and then one day my angel did say - here Bruno - here's
another friend - friend - and this one was tall and sorta different - why he's older
I thought and bald and gentle. Gentle is he and bald is he and my angel did say -
here Bruno -here's a friend.
And time did pass and pass did time and the bald one and I - well we
had fun. We would drive and ride and now I'm older - but what the heck - I like his shoulder.
And drive and ride and romp and play -mid fields with cactus and mesquite we go.
Baldy and I - both getting older - but what the heck - I like his shoulder.
And time did pass and pass did time and I'd see that angel of mine.
And then one day - she's sad said I - and then she told me - your friend dear Bruno -
he's gone away to run and play in another time and another place.
And old Duke was gone. Nother place place.
And the wind is gentle and the grass is green and there is no pain and no cold there.
For she said to me he's awaiting there cause by and by as time does pass and pass does
time we all must make that trip you know. And her words were kind and her hands
were gentle and time did pass by months by years and grave yards I'd roam no more.
Oh that was fun - for me - not for them - the cats - the hare - and my oh yes -
a skunk every now and then - for me to catch - oh how I shudder - the smell
the taste - twas ever so awful - but still twas fun for me - not them.
Grave yards - fun - for me - not them. Both getting older - old baldy and me -
but what the heck - I like his shoulder.
There's something wrong - what has happened - my eyes are dim - my steps are
slow - my joints they creak - my ears they droop - why don't they shout instead they
whisper - I cannot hear - my eyes are dim and nightmares return oh no oh no not the
cold again - not the hurt again - get away from me you demons you.
And time does pass by months by years and grave yards I'd roam no more.
And baldy seems sad - I wonder why - my angel why she and he did cry.
I feel his touch it's on my head - and this is what I heard was said - good bye my Bruno - my
Brunie - good bye - we've traveled far - old baldy and me - traveled far old baldy and me.
But now - it seems - better for you and better for me - if for awhile to travel - just me - and
then as time does pass by months by years I'll wait for you across the bridge - see up
there - up there - over the ridge. I'll wait for you old baldy and by and by we'll
travel some more. Not older - not older - but then again - I'll have your shoulder.
Your shoulder. No pain - no pain - no pain - no more.
Oh Bruno Oh Bruno - I love you so - I heard him say - again - once more.
(The angel is my daughter Ann. I am the bald one Radford B. Allen)
Fort Worth Texas
January 18 1998
Bruno |