Buddy Boy by Brigitte & Michael Wilson / Mommy and Daddy

Hey Buddy,

We really really miss you. Not having you here make our lives feel emptier. For 12 years you were the most extraordinary company we have ever had. You were so playful and kind. Now that you are in the arms of God, we hope you are happy, having lots of walkies and playing with your friends. I’m sure you have met Digby. We miss him as well. So, whenever you decide to come back to us,
let us know it’s you.

Holly also miss you a lot. We all do. We will never be the same without your love. Please forgive us for not walking you as much as you wanted and for having to clip your nails and take care of you. We know you also didn’t like it, but we only did it for your own good. Always worried about your well being. Believe us, we did all
we could to keep you happy.

Bought houses with big gardens for you. Let you Travel with us whenever possible, specially our last trip to California. We will never forget you. You were a blessing in our lives. We still haven’t recovered after having to send you to God. Though every day that passes it gets a little easier. We had no choice. We didn’t want you to suffer any longer. But it was such a difficult decision.
I hope you forgive us.

My baby, we will always be here for you. Come and visit us whenever you want. Let us know you are close. Come to your garden anytime you feel like sunbathing when any of us is sitting next to your grave. We want to feel the warmth of your company while we remember the good times
we spent together.


With all our love,
Buddy Boy
30, July 2005
Brigitte & Michael Wilson