Buddy by Amanda Kieszling / From your family

Thursday, March 2, 2006 my dear long haired dachshund who was 3 years old got hit by a truck and suffered severe head trauma and blindness. Who knew that something like this would happen. It happened so fast. I saw him laying there on the road having seizures. I carefully picked him up and screamed for my husband we rushed him to the local emergency vets. I had blood all over my shirt and he was just a mess. He had lost one of his eyes and the next day we found out that he was blind in his other eye.

He also was experiencing head trauma. We cried and cried and tried to come up with the best thing to do for him. We decided that his life would never be the way it used to be and decided to put him down. Friday, March 3 around 2pm we held him in our arms and told him that everything will be ok and that we loved him very much. I held him while the doctor did her thing.

His name was BUDDY. He was the most caring, cuddable, lovable dog anyone has ever seen. He would grin at you and show his bright white teeth in the biggest smile ever. He loved playing with squeaky toys and throwing them around with his mouth. He would sit up and beg for attention and do a little sigh just to let you know that he was there. He was the greatest little dog to cuddle with he would curl up on your chest and just go right to sleep. I can still feel his heartbeat and breath on me. He loves his treats and just being around people. He was such a lovable little guy that the minute you look at him you fall in love. He had a great personality and was very easy going. He never made a mess in the house and always was there for you.

I will never ever forgot about BUDDY my most favorite dog in the whole world. To you BUDDY we love you very much and you will always be in our hearts forever.


We will love you forever,
Amanda Kieszling