Buddy by Liz Adams / Liz

The first day I ever saw him I looked in his eyes and knew this wasn’t just a dog but someone special. He had these brown eyes that could see right into your soul… unconditional love.

The most precious birthday gift from Roberta, my cousin & best friend.
This was to be one more special connection between us. Her gift would help me deal with her passing a few years later.

Buddy thought he was a “People”. He would “talk” to us, sit in a chair legs out in front watching Tv, lay on the couch pulling the afghan over himself making us laugh. He loved to be in my lap or tucked behind our knees on cold winter nights.

Every Sunday he was in my lap watching the Patriots play.
His picture is still in my lap during the game.

Buddy… more than just his name.


Always in my heart,
Liz Adams