Buffee by Linda Walker / Mom and Dad

Our Buffee was a rescue dog, we had just put down another wonderful pet, we were going to wait awhile, but my heart was empty..I looked at the local shelter, we found Buffee by mistake, the dog we were interested in had been adopted. They showed us Buffee, instant love! We brought her home, watched her grow into a beautiful dog, she was so friendly to everyone, anyone that came in contact with her fell in love. She has had some health problems the last few years. (seizures, hip issues, bladder problems) She had a seizure yesterday…it was typical but she didn’t seem to come out of it like normal. She gave me a look after, it broke my heart..it was like she was saying no more, I’m tired…Please make it stop.
My husband and I talked at length and made the decision. We will remember you always..


Hugs, kisses and treats,
Linda Walker