
October 1 1988 —– August 6 2000

Basset Hound/Golden Mix

He was just about 3 years old when he came into our lives.

BUMPER was a Basset Hound/Golden Retriever Mix

and was the most handsome dog we have ever seen.

At 85 pounds he was a big boy with a wonderful quiet disposition.

We had him for 9 full years and

felt blessed to have owned him and we loved him so.

He came to us from Basset Rescue an abandoned dog.

I wonder who could have just thrown him out into the street?

I also feel sorry for that person because they missed the love he had to give.

Just this past July I noticed that he was panting slowing down and looking tired.

I thought it was the heat. When he stopped eating I took him to the vet.

I was shocked to learn he had lymphoma – a cancer of the lymph system

and that he only had days left to live.

I tried desperately to save him but I could not.

During his last few days he could no longer walk and

we had to carry him from inside the house to the outside deck.

On his last day August 6 2000 we had him outside on the deck

so he could watch us. We petted him gave him water

and told him that we loved him.

At 3:20 P.M. he looked up at the sky as though

he saw the Angels in heaven calling him home.

Then he took his last breath and died.

I knew he was dying of that terrible disease and

thought his passing would be a relief but I was wrong.

It has caused me great pain and I am grieving to this day.

We had him cremated and placed into a beautiful cedar box with a plaque.

Inside is a biscuit his favorite toy and some photos of us –

for when he is lonely.

BUMPER I am so sorry you got the cancer.

I think of you every day and I wake up nights and call your name.

You will always be our SPECIAL BOY.

I hope that when the time comes for me to pass on

I shall see your eyes in that paradise called HEAVEN.

Love always,

(Mommy) Barbara and (Daddy) Robert


Farewell Master yet not farewell,

Where I go ye too shall dwell.

I am gone before your face,

A moment’s time a little space.

When ye come where I have stepped,

Ye will wonder why ye wept.

By Edwin Arnold

