by Audrey / Their Foster Mom….

I had 3 black feral kittens that I caught and brought into the house to tame them done, so they wouldn’t be wild. It worked. I really wanted to keep them but knew in my deepest soul, I really couldn’t. One day I would have them all fixed and give them away. That time came and I didn’t realize how much it hurt to see them go. I still question my self why it still hurts so much, I still cry for them. They have been adopted out. I know they will have good homes. I will pray for that and that they will always be safe and loved and no one will hurt them. Their names were Stu, Boo and Mickey. I will miss them and always will remember them. I just read a e-mail sent to me by a friend, part of it said,
“Sorrows keep you human”…….

