

  A Tribute Poem


" Candace "

7 / 1 / 1989 ----- 10 / 21 / 1997

Cocker Spaniel  


by Dr. Jack Hyles

I've sat beside a tiny crib And watched a baby die As parents slowly

turned toward me To ask "Oh pastor why?"

I have held the youthful husband's head And felt death's heave and sigh. A

widow looked through tears and said "Dear Pastor tell me why?"

I have seen a gold-star mother weep And hold a picture nigh Her lonely

breast and softly ask "Why pastor why oh why?"

I have walked away from babyland Where stillborn babies lie. A mother

stretches empty arms And asks me "Pastor why?"

I have heard the white-tipped tapping cane Which leads the blinded eye.

And then a darkened lonely voice Cries "Preacher show me why."

I have caught the fiancee's burning tears And heard her lonely cry. She

held an unused wedding gown And shouted "Pastor why?"

I have heard the cancer patient say "'Tis gain for me to die." Then look

into his daughter's face And mutely whisper "Why?"

I have seen a father take his life. A widow stands nearby; As little

children say "Dear Mom The Preacher'll tell us why."

I've seen my mother stand beside Two tiny graves and cry. And though

she'd never let me know I knew she wondered "Why?"

I've heard the orphan faintly say Who gazed into the sky "Though Mom and

Dad have gone away My preacher will know "Why?"

I tiptoed to my Father's throne So timid and so shy. To say "Dear God,

some of your own Are wanting to know why."

I heard Him say so tenderly "Their eyes I'll gladly dry. Though they must

look through faith today Tomorrow they'll know why."

"If now they find the reasons that Their hopes have gone awry In Heaven,

they will miss the joy Of hearing Me tell why."

And so I've found it pleases Him When I can testify

"I'll trust my God to do what's best And wait to find out why."


Again I pray that this strengthens you as it did me.




