This is the story of Candie. I got her from a friend of my sister’s that the actual owner had died and they were left behind. So, they gave me 1 of the puppies she was around 2-3 wks old so I had to bottle fed her until she was old enough to eat wet food. She was a very smart and intelligent dogs that I have ever known. She was a sweet dog anyone that came across her would fall in love with her because of her personality.
She would came running into my bedroom and jump in the bed when my finance would leave the bedroom door open. She would go all the way under the blankets so that we wouldn’t try to get her out from under the blanket. She would do anything for treat-treats. She would stand on her hind legs and begg and wouldn’t leave my site when I was in the kitchen because whatever fell on the floor she was going to get it.
But, she will never be forgotten for the love that she gave to me in her own very special way. She was going to be 3yrs old in Jan of 2005 but she wasn’t able to make it until then. Back in Oct 2004 I took her in the the vet because I thought that she was pregnant because her stomach was big and I thought my other male Chihuahua had gotten her pregnant but to come and find out that she had cancer and a heart problems and that her stomach would continue to get bigger and bigger and that she would be in pain and surely on Sunday Nov the 21st, 2004.
I was moving there kennel to the side of my house so that when the wind blows it wouldn’t be facing them I notice her not wanting to come out the dog house so I had my daughter get her out and she was in pain I could just feel it for her so I called A&M Vet Clinic and explained to them that she was in pain and would rather let her go to to Rainbow Bridge now because she is suffering so that told me to bring her in and I did. The vets advised me what the process was and asking if I wanted to be in the room when she is put down advised yes so they gave her sedative then the other medication to stop her heart and she went to “Heaven” peacefully.
Candie just want to let you know that you are terribly missed not only by me but Alexis, Lorenzo, and dog sisters Precious, Aaliyah, and dog brother Lil Man. I know your in a better place now no more pain, and I know that one day I will see you again.
We Miss and Love You Very Much
Candie (Momma) |
Danyell Leija |