Charlie by Janell

Dearest Charlie,

You have only been gone for a short time, and already your presence is sadly missed. You livened things up so much here. Though at first I wasn’t sure about taking you in, I enjoyed every moment we had together. I only wish that you could have stayed here longer. Roswell is sure going to miss his little brother. We will miss all your squirrel chasing antics. Roswell will miss playing tug-o-war with you. I will miss your intensity and courage. I already miss holding you close and looking into those beautiful brown eyes.
You had such a love for life.

We had almost eight months with each other. You brought a lot of joy to my life. I don’t know how you managed to rebound each time. You were such an amazing guy. You held out, despite your high numbers. Your kidneys unfortunately just couldn’t hold up any longer. We tried everything we could, but your final days here let me know that this final battle wasn’t going to be won.

I held you in my arms, crying and speaking softly to you as the injection was given. You went so peacefully. I did not ant you to suffer any longer. I hope you are running free now. You no longer have to be sick anymore. We love and miss you my Little Man.

With Love,



27, Nov 2006