Charly by Gail Henry / Gail (Mommy)

I rescued Charly when he was 6 months old from a drug abuse situation. He was very shy and suffered from an array of health problems. After a few months of love and attention, he became the sweet active puppy that he should have been. He also became my best friend, giving me unconditional love.

We went through a lot together in 8 1/2 years and he was always there to support me when I needed it the most. He began experiencing seizures as a result of the abuse that he endured. I was always there for him. Later in life, he developed cancer. I had always promised him that I would not put him on drugs on machinery if anything happened to his health. He lost weight and didn’t have the desire to be playful anymore. Today, April 29, 2003, I had to have my baby put to sleep by the vet. For the past few weeks, he was always under my feet! That drove me crazy! Now, I keep wondering why he isn’t in my way and I totally miss him being under my feet.

I will always love him and my home feels empty now. I feel that he is telling me “it’s ok mommy, I am no longer in pain, I am running in fields of green grass, wildflowers and sunshine and I am chasing tennis balls. I’m fine mom, you did the right thing. I will see you again one day and we will play again like we did when I was a puppy. I love you mom”

Rest in peace my baby boy and I will always love you.


My beautiful Charly *April 8, 1994-April 29, 2003*
Gail Henry