We brought ChiChi home when she was 9 weeks old and spoiled her rotten. She was full of worms and so tiny, but with the love and care and help from our new found vet, ChiChi flourished wonderfully. When her sister Opal arrived, we discovered that ChiChi shared her love with her, also. ChiChi shared her toys, her food and water bowl, Daddy’s lap and the great window that they both sat at and watched for strangers, other dogs, squirrels, but mostly for us to return.
We were such a happy family.
Two days ago, that ended when ChiChi ended up somehow in the front yard and was struck by a car. She died in her daddy’s loving arms with my tears falling onto her precious face. We are devastated. Our loss is so profound and at times, seems unbearable. In time, I pray my tears will replaced with only happy memories. We love you, our sweet ChiChi.
All our love and kisses...
ChiChi |
Rick & Amanda Bumgardner |