China Doll by Doug & Susie Sapp / Mom, Dad, Nakia & Shooter

China was our new baby girl, a TriColor Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie. We had just gotten her in Feb. 2006 and had her a short time when somehow China contracted parvo suddenly. Without any real warning she was just suddenly struck so sick that there really wouldn’t have been much hope for her. She literally was fine one day & the next she was terribly sick. Although our Vet did what he could for her, she just didn’t seem to respond to anything &
just seemed to keep going downhill.

We had to make a decision on what to do — not to needlessly prolong her life with pain and suffering as she was, or spend lots of money to try & get her well, money we really & truly did not have to spend — knowing she probably had less than 50% chance of survival no matter what. Such horrible, heartbreaking news for two animals lovers, such as ourselves. Animal lovers who totally adored our new baby & who had only been able to share a few short weeks with such a precious baby.

The decision was one of the hardest we’ve ever made, it broke our hearts, but we decided to stop thinking of our broken hearts, we couldn’t be selfish because of our pain. We had to think of our little doll & made the decision to send our China to Rainbow Bridge and end her pain & suffering. We knew we’d done all that we could as her parents, as responsible pet owners, and we truly had to be realistic. We still had two healthy pets at home, pets that we now had to ensure would not become ill from this same parvo virus that struck our little baby girl.

Although we didn’t have her for very long, our little China Doll instantly stole our hearts. She was the sweetest ‘little doll’ that you’d ever held within your arms. It is just amazing how quickly she stole our hearts & just how hard it was to know she’d never be with us again. She was now gone. Oh, did the tears ever flow! And there was the guilt of having to put her to sleep– it was so very hard to do, but we’d done all that we realistically could for her in the end–we did what parents would do, what all good responsible pet owners should do. In the end, we did what was best ‘for her’ & not best for us, or our broken hearts. And we truly believe that if she could tell us, she would want us to save her big sissy & her little brother. (We got her brother Shooter at same time and Shooter was just the stronger one.)

I’d also like to mention that a sizable cash donation was made to our local University here in Georgia, in China’s name, and made by our Vet, Dr. Hendrix. It goes to help in the aid & efforts of things such as; pet rescue, shelters, pet health, vaccine research, etc… We just cannot say how much this special gesture moved us. We really found an angel whenever we chose Dr. Hendrix as our animal doctor.
Thank you Dr. Hendrix.

China now lives within our hearts & will live there forever. She is in a much better place now and no longer suffering from her pain. Now, China Doll is our ULTIMATE WATCHDOG — Now, she’ll watch over us for ever & ever! It warms our hearts & eases the pain just knowing this!

God Bless You China Doll —
We love you sweetie!


With Love Always,
China Doll
Doug & Susie Sapp