Chiquita by Annette & Manuel Nogueras / Mamas, Dad, Jeannette & Marcos

It was Sept. 7th, 2001, when we to some puppies, 2 Maltese and some Shih-Tzu my daughters 12th b-day was the next day, and she had been asking for a puppy. We get to the place and there are the puppies. This particular little girl, came right away to us wagging her tail & wanting to play…from that moment on we fell in love with her and she fell in love with us. Needless to say we brought her home; she was 7 wks. then and weight 1 1/2 pound. We decided to name her “Chiquita”. Chiquita was the perfect fit for us and we were the perfect fit for her. She became such a light in our life; she was not only a pet, she became a family member. She was funny, lovable, super smart and had her unique personality. She was a huge part of our daily family life. She was included in everything we did. Full grown she was 4 lbs.,5lbs, at her highest, but boy at night she crawled into bed with my husband and I, got in between us and demanded much more space that what actually needed; if she was cold her little back would be against our backs so she could get warm. She loved it every time we said “let’s go” or “want to go to grandmas?”. She did this little dance letting us know she was excited to go for the ride or grandma’s house.

For 6 years she just gave us so much love and happiness. This year Labor Day weekend we went on vacation up North (We’re in Michigan), she was having so much fun; we went on walks; went to the beach; had a bonfire, and of course Chiquita was part of all that fun.

On Labor Day, Sept. 3rd, as we were packing to leave, my husband & my daughter’s boyfriend were loading up the truck, my daughter’s boyfriend was on top of the ledge of the truck slipped & fell, and stepped on Chiquita. No one knew she had snuck outside, and he didn’t see her there; we were in the middle of no where, drove like maniacs, went through red lights, trying to find a Vet Clinic or Hospital; it took us 1 1/2 hour to find one, when we did. 15 minutes later our baby couldn’t hold on any longer and we lost her.

I’ve never felt so much pain before, my heart ached like never before. I thought I was going to die of pain. We decided to bring her home with us, and picked a special spot on our backyard, with flowers & a special grave stone with a message for her. That’s where she is now. We hurt so much, Chiquita…was such a huge part of us that is just unbearable to go on without her. I feel cheated & robbed of time with her. I know she wasn’t done making us happy and we sure weren’t done loving her. We lost her 5 days before my daughters b-day. She turned 18; she didn’t want to do anything because she was so sad. Her b-day will never be the same because Chiquita is no longer here and Chiquita was actually her 12th b-day gift, but she belonged to the whole family.

Now is so hard to try to have a “normal” day; how can we have a “normal day” when a normal day included her? I would give anything to have my baby back, ANYTHING!!!How I miss holding her, hugging her, give her kisses and receive them back. I miss cuddling on the couch and snacking on Kettle Korn popcorn and watching TV.
My heart aches for her constantly.

She was sooo special,
she will for always be in our hearts…
and will miss her forever.

No matter what, Chiquita,
you will always be our special baby girl
and our first puppy love.

We will miss you for as long as we still here. Thank you baby girl for giving us so much unconditional love and
so much happiness in the 6 yrs. we shared.


We love you & miss you baby girl!!
We cry for you precious Chiquita,
Love you forever & ever,
Annette & Manuel Nogueras