Chrissy by Lucy / Lucy

Chrissy please know that mom, dad and I miss you every day. You brought so much joy and love to our lives. Our heart aches for you and we can’t wait to meet you at the Rainbow Bridge. It has been six long weeks without you and you are thought of every day. We know you are always close to us and will be forever in our hearts.

It is hard to open the refrigerator door or go for a ride and not have you there with us. We were glad you were able to go to the beach with dad and go swimming,eat your watermelon and corn on the cob and have your lobster and steak. We were greatfulthat we got to have you around for almost an entire year since you were diagnosed with cancer. You were so strong and just kept on going and I know at times
it was for all of us.

I can only say that you did let us know when the time came and we were glad that the vet was able to come to our house and
put you gently and quietly to sleep.

Our memories of you will always be happy and your love was so giving and unconditional, that I can still feel you here.

Please know you are
forever in our hearts and
our love for you will be forever.

Hugs and Kisses,


Forever In Our Hearts,