Clarisse by Diane / Diane

My heart is breaking. I had to have our kitty, Clarisse put to sleep about 7 hours ago. She was healthy up until 2 days ago. She stopped eating and sleeping with me. I took her to the vet yesterday and she was constipated and had a blockage which turned out to be kitty litter. She had been eating it-which the vet didn’t know why. So, I had to leave her overnight to have some treatment. She was dehydrated and needed fluids and enemas. I called this morning and she had passed some stool. I asked the doctor to do bloodwork to make sure eveything else was okay. She was in kidney failure and there was
nothing that could be done.

I had to make the awful decision to have her put to sleep. I raced to the vet to be with her and comforted her and told her I loved her with all my heart. I brought her home to have her buried and I just can’t believe she isn’t here anymore. I had her since she was a little kitten and she was the most gentle, loving kitty. She slept with me every night and also slept on my desk while I worked(I work at home). I have another kitty and they were inseperable. Clarisse had the smallest paws and face of any cat I have ever seen. She looked so feminine and dainty. She was gray stripped with white paws and white on her stomach.

I miss her terribly and don’t know how I am going to get through this. I just want her to be back here on my bed. I had to do this though so she would no longer be in pain and I did not want her to suffer. I love you, Clarisse-forever.


My Beloved Clarisse,