Coco by Breanna Carlson / With love Your mom Breanna

My poor boy will always be missed always! It had happened on September eighth of 2005 he was two years old and broke to ride. Every one loved him. I had bought him from a home were he was not getting fed as much as he should of. We bought him in 2004 in April; he was skinny and had sores on him, but once we got him, he gained weight after special needs that he needed. I started getting him to lead and as soon as he turned two I put the saddle and bridle and broke him to ride on the first day. As soon as I got it on him he took me every where. That was a sign that he had been rode when he was too young and, yes, he had the girl that used to spend time with him would ride him so his back was swade down a bit.

Then it happened on September 8th at exactly 10:00 PM. I got a call saying there was a accident on HW10. It was a serious car accident with a horse when I found out it was my Black Stallion Coco Buck I dropped the phone and balled my head off. The nexed day I was forced to take pics of him and I never wanted to leave him. His front hoof was completely bent back and his neck was broke and you could peal his nose back and see everything for whoever is reading this please remember to keep all horses away from HW”s. If you have one espechaly STALLIONS. The pic is of his wonderful daughter Starlight


COCO You Will Be Missed Always,
Breanna Carlson