Cody by Carmel Hettich / Carmel

I got Cody when he was 6 weeks old. It seemed right from the beginning that we had a special bond. He was never happy unless he was close to me. He would wait at the driveway for me to return, and refused to eat unless I was home. Cody knew all my moods and facial expressions, and knew instinctively when I was happy, sad, mad, or upset. The day my brother nearly died, Cody never left my side, and kept licking my face to let me know that he understood my pain. I spent hours talking to him, and he understand ever word I spoke.

To lose him makes me feel as if my heart has been ripped out. I don’t know how to make it through the day sometimes. I miss the light in his eyes, the “smile” he would have when he saw me each morning, the constant companionship that we had.

Cody, you will always be my forever friend. There will never be any closer bond than the one you had with me. I will love you forever.


I Love you with all my heart and soul,
Carmel Hettich