Commanche {Buck} by Susan Tedisch / Your Beloved Family,

The Tedisches, Lewis

This is only a small token to say how much I deeply miss you my faithful pet. Buck I always knew you were sent from God but never truly knew how special you were to me until you had to leave me for the final time.

You were a gentle giant of a dog, a Rottweiler by breed an angel by heart. I love you and look forward to seeing you
when I too pass from
this earth onto my true home in Heaven.

May you run and jump and leap for joy at the sight of our Lord. He created you and He loves you too, that is why you had to go home to be with Him. Until we meet again, hugs and kisses for you. I miss you and notice so much is different in our home with you, Buck. I will be a better person because of you, Thank you God for sending my faithful companion Buck to be a part of my Life.

Forever your faithful charge, Momma Susan.

This precious animal came to us about two months before our mother died of Lou Gerigs, he was such an inspiration to the whole family and he helped so much to ease our pain that the whole family was going through, he touched everyone of the family’s lives in a very special way, he was so loving an gentle, and had the heart of an angel.

Losing our Bucky was like losing a family member all over again. We will grieve and miss him so much, but will always remember him
as the gentle giant of a dog.

He is being buried in the mountian forest, in the Cascade Range in Oregon by my sisters cabin he loved it over there and this is where he should be placed, as we look out at his grave we will always remember what a wonderful watcher he was and that he is still watching over us.

We love you so much Buck.
You will forever be in our hearts and on our minds.


We Love you, and You will Forever Be in Our Hearts,
Commanche {Buck}
Susan Tedisch