Cotton Kitty by Amanda, Vicki, Chelsea / Amanda, Vicki, Chelsea

Cotton Kitty was a beautiful pure white long haired cat with one blue eye and one green eye. Ee adopted him from the animal shelter in 1995; he was 6 years old. He was a family cat but he meant the world to my daughter Amanda. On 11-5-06 he died in her arms (of old age is what he died from). He went very peaceful; he was a great lazy cat. He loved to be on the dining room table. My husband did not think much of that. Oh well we have alot of memories of kitty and alot of pictures. I could go on for hours, but I just want to say I love you COTNKITTY and will miss you.

Rest In Peace

My cat taught me something the night he died and I hope he taught my girls something also. Kitty started getting weak about 5 p.m. Me and Amanda were the only ones home so we stayed by him. Then we had to pick up my other daugher so we got home at 9:45 p.m. and we all went to Amanda’s room where kitty was and he died at 9:54 p.m. He just wanted us all to be together when he died. I know that sounds crazy but that is what I believe and I told my girls that he was telling us (TOGETHERNESS) that is what it is all about. Thanks for teaching, Kitty.
I love you


Love and miss you COTNKITTY,
Cotton Kitty
Amanda, Vicki, Chelsea