Daisy by Amy Elizabeth Bye / Love,


This is a tribute to the best dog I have ever known. My dog Daisy who came into my life when I was years old and left it when I was 14. Daisy was my first pet and though many others followed her she always appeared special not just to me but everyone she met. A proud and intelligent dog who was always aware of how I was feeling and new exactly what to do to make it better.

She knew what I needed more than anybody else did. I don’t think a day went by in her lifetime where we didn’t do something together. On warm sunny days we went for walks in the park, on wet rainy days we cuddled together in front of the tv and whenever I was sick I could always count on Daisy to be their cuddling me and keeping me company. Family was the most important thing for Daisy and she loved us all in a special way.

She was a comfort in the sad and painful times and a joy to be with on happy days. Days with Daisy were always filled with such love. She gave so much of herself to us, you could always count on Daisy to be there. When Daisy got sick it was sad a painful for everyone. She had a heart condition and it made her pass out and she was unable to be active like she was before.

It was hard to accept that Daisy and I would never go for hikes in the woods or running around in the fields. It didn’t bother me as much as life continued. Daisy was always happy and always able to put aside her own suffering to give me some comfort when I was sad.

The after school walks Daisy and I used to share were less frequent because Daisy’s health could not allow her to be active like she used to be. I remember around March the family grieved for our kitten who died because of a car. I was calm and held Daisy knowing that as long as I had her I would be able to get through this sad time. I found the strength to keep moving with the support of my dog Daisy. I shared so much with Daisy, who was my strength and reason to keep going even when life got hard, which it did.

On a drive to our new house one year after Daisy’s health began to suffer, Daisy died in my arms. She died so peacefully that I didn’t notice at first. I was devastated and felt pain I had never experienced, but even so I also felt relief. Earlier that day I had prayed to God telling him I knew that Daisy was old and sick and that she was suffering. I asked him to take her home and watch over her. Reunite her with old friends and be happy and blessed with good health. I prayed for the strength to keep going without my dog. Everyone was devastated and as the world continued to spill life changed a lot. When I lost Daisy I lost a part of me.

In the days that followed beautiful summer days, I found myself looking for Daisy and then having to remind myself that Daisy was gone, I would come home from school and no Daisy would be there to greet me, I’d be sad and lonely and their was no Daisy to cuddle. I went through her stuff and came across her old sweaters that she hated to wear. I smelt them and they had Daisy’s scent on them. Daisy’s scent eventually left them and it hurt when I could no longer remember Daisy’s scent. The clothes were still valuable to me though so I dressed stuffed animals up in them so I could display them. Daisy’s collar was removed before burial and I kept it a long with a picture in a little box.

Her christmas stocking was hung on my wall, pictures of her were everywhere you looked, I got pillows with her picture on them for my bed and Daisy’s dog tag was hung on a chain by the bed. I wrote poetry and stories of my wonderful dog. One thing I am still working on is a book filled with memories, notes people who loved Daisy wrote to her and pictures and a final tribute to my dog.

At the beginning I said Daisy was my reason for living but after her death I developed a stronger faith and more love for those who suffer in this world. It made me want to make a difference by doing even the smallest thing to make someone else’s day a bit better because what Daisy did for me. I never will get over my sad loss and I have accepted that.

I have come to the understanding that I can grieve and be happy as well. I wake up and go throughout my day doing what I need to do and enjoying life as well. I then return home and after all that I needed to accomplish that day is done. I say my prayers and crawl into bed and cry because life without Daisy is harder than I ever imagined. Then I wake up to do it again.

I think that 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now I will still cry about Daisy’s death. That may sound weird but she was one of the best things that ever happened to me and you never quite get over the loss of somebody you love. And Daisy was certainly loved. Well always remember her with love and look forward to the day when every tear will be wiped away and we are all reunited in Heaven.


God Bless Her and May She Rest in Peace,
Amy Elizabeth Bye