Daisy by Amy Elizabeth Bye / Your Best Friend Amy

Ever since I can remember I had always wanted a dog. A dog that was loyal, fun, and could be my best friend. When I was four I woke up in the morning to find a small dog sitting in front of me wagging her tail. I wasn’t scared or even startled I grabbed that dog and gave her a big hug, it was the beginning of a great friendship.

Daisy became the dog I had always dreamed of having. She was extremely devoted to her family, was a great comfort to me in some difficult times and was just so full of life even when she began to get sick and had to slow down. Whenever I was sad I could pick her up and cry into her fur. Daisy was such a sensitive dog that seeing me upset would make her determined to help me out in anyway she could.

Daisy was not my only pet. She was the oldest of our other dog Duke and kittens Millie, Mickey and Teddy. Their have been many others that Daisy never had the pleasure of meeting. Daisy prided herself as being the other pets “mother” and she kept them all in line. She was also one of the few of them that befriended all the animals. She never was jealous when a new pet joined the family.

Summer 2004 Daisy began to get sick. She had been born with a heart murmur and it had gone from a very slight one to severe and caused her to pass out when she ran or even sometimes walked for a period of time. Her lungs began to fill with fluids. We tried pills recommended by the vet but they didn’t help. People began to warn me that Daisy’s time seemed to be nearing the end. I decided to make the most of the time we had left, it all seemed to unreal . After all Daisy had come into my life when I was only four and so I could barely imagine my life without her,
it all seemed unbelievable.

Most dogs wouldn’t have lived that long in her condition but Daisy was a fighter. Though she continued to get sicker she kept her spirit and didn’t let her health get her down. I realize now that Daisy stuck around not for herself but for her family. We were having a really hard year. Daisy lived her life for us though. Being very smart she knew we were breaking up and wouldn’t leave us before making sure we would all be okay. That was just the kind of dog she was.

At the end of the year my mom, me, my siblings and pets moved up to our cottage in the country where we spent our summers and also where my mom grew up. Our cottage was Daisy’s favorite place in the world. She could run without a leash and just had so much fun. When I was younger every day for us was a new adventure. We’d go for walks and hikes in the woods. It was a sanctuary for the both of us.

Before we left Daisy said her goodbyes to my dad and our other dog Duke who was staying with him. We then all piled in the car and drove off. Daisy sat in my lap. I found out the Daisy had passed out while I had been in school that day and didn’t get up for a long time. I held her tight and stroked her beautiful coat. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. The world seemed so scary and lonely without my special angel.

Daisy laid in my arms the whole trip and I knew she was sicker and than the time was going to come soon. I can’t explain why I knew that, it was just a feeling I had. We pulled over to eat and everyone went inside but me. Daisy was suffering. She had hung on longer than most dogs would have. I held Daisy and said to her “Daisy I love you, I’ll never forget all the times we have shared. I know you’re worried about your family but it’s okay now and now you need to look after yourself. I love you more than anything and I know you love me and no matter how far apart we are I know you’ll always be with me. Give Mickey a kiss for me and let him know I love him to. ” Daisy looked at me, and licked my hand. I now had said what I had to tell her and was put at rest for a short time. I then stroked her as a silently prayed to God to take my dog and give her rest. I prayed for comfort and stared out into the dark night understanding why this night seemed different that all the other ones.

I didn’t tell anyone else what my heart was telling me about Daisy. It was so painful and seemed impossible that after so many years my little dog wouldn’t be there. One of the hardest things I ever did was say those words to her because I knew that it was really goodbye and that soon I’d only have our memories. It was me who had to let her go. I needed to tell her that we would all be okay so that Daisy wouldn’t be worried.

Everybody came back and we continued on the ride. Daisy lay in my arms and we slept together…….just like we always did. About a minute away from my cottage I awoke and was told we were there. Daisy stirred as well and looked out the window at her favorite place in the world. I closed my eyes still half asleep, it was the middle of the night. When we got there I moved the arm Daisy head had been resting on. Thinking she would jump up happy to be home only she didn’t.

Daisy died in my arms three days before her tenth birthday. It was unconditional love that we shared and looking back now I realize how blessed I was to have had her in my life. I cried more than I ever cried in my entire life. I felt so alone as I held my beautiful baby knowing that our time on earth was through. Then I remembered a poem once read Just this side of Heaven is a place called rainbow bridge and I smiled through my tears because the prayer I had said had been answered. Daisy was now running in the fields like she always used to and reuniting with old friends. I can imagine that when I get to the rainbow bridge embracing my little dog and knowing that never again will
I have to say goodbye to her.

We buried her in the woods that me and her always used to play in together from the time I was four to the time I was fourteen. They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend but all the diamonds in the world aren’t nearly as valuable as my sweet dog who will always have
a special place in my heart.


With Love,
Amy Elizabeth Bye