Darcy by Neva and Bruce / Neva

Darcy was our girl. She was a big, bodacious Bouvier. We called her our silverback as silver was the colour of her beautiful coat. Darcy was one hundred and thirteen pounds of pure unadulterated muscle!She was much bigger than your average bouv.Darcy was her own dog. She lived life true to herself. She was never restrained nor contained. She was strong willed, determined, protective, sharp, and indifferent to everyone but her chosen few people. We often marvelled at the way Darcy conducted her life. We referred to this way of living as “living life like a Bouvier”!
Darcy was our self-appointed watch dog. She took her job very seriously. She learned to perimeter train herself as a puppy. Try as we did to coax her to hang out in the house with us, Darcy insisted on gaurding our yard. She protected her people, her animal housemates, and her home and property with intense devotion.
Darcy passed away suddenly on August 14/2006. She was holding her own with the diagnosis of a dilated cardiomyopathy for seventeen months. The vet called her the Miracle Dog. Nobody thought she would make it past six months. We are so greatful for the extra time we had with our big girl. We buried her beside her favorite tree which is covered in ivy. We set her spirit free and began our own healing with a beautiful pagan funeral. Coming home will never be the same again without seeing our big girl prance around the back deck and yard with one of her favorite toys in her mouth. She is sadly missed by her dog friends Coconut and Romeo. Her cat friends Big, Casey, Peachboy, Tippy and Leo will miss all the drama Darcy brought to their lives. Her cockatoo friend Candy will miss shouting at Darcy to stop all the barking. But mostly Darcy will be deeply missed by her brokenhearted human parents Bruce and me. Nobody will ever take her place in our hearts.It is here that she will reside forever.


Darcy's Mom
Neva and Bruce