Derby by Melissa / Your Family

She burst forth into our lives
on the 1st Saturday in May.

We treasured every moment,
every minute, every day.

At times she did get quite frisky I’d say.
Oh, she’d meow, howl,and did everything her way.

Her color of black and white was neat,
and a crooked little nose that looked so sweet.

She left us a little kitten to remember her by
and now it’s so sad to hear that little cry.

But her Mom was strong and determined she was
for us to remember her fondly for everything she does.

We called her by so many different names
but always we loved her just the same.

Our hearts are broken for such a loss
but we have her memory forever in our hearts.

Roses are for you Derby – you are special to me.


With forever our love,
11, Jan 2005