Diesel by Kathy

8th May 2002

Tears fill my eyes
Sorrow fills my heart
For I know now
We will soon part.

My life will go on
Though not the same
I will often catch myself
Calling your name.

The time has come
As I knew it must
But I didn’t think that
It could hurt so much.

Not a whimper have I heard
YouÆve been so brave
Though your pain must be great
you’ve not been its slave.

Time has caught us up
Time is running short
Just a few more hours are
all we have left.
Let me sit beside you and
look in to your soul.

Please know I want you to stay
But you and I both know
Its time to call it a day

You can’t put up with the pain
the exhaustion
The lack of control
All of these things and more
Have taken their toll.

This one last thing
I must do for you
Is the right thing
I just donÆt know
if I can cope with out you.

When I need you most
to help make me strong
You won’t be here with me
you’ll be in the “Great Beyond”.

You’ll be free to run again
With Gus Samson and Jake
Give them our love and
big tail shake.

Just remember me
Your mortal Mum
I have loved you
I DO love you
I will ALWAYS love you

I wish there was some way
I would know you are fine.

9th May 2002
Now you are gone
and my pain is great
I cannot stop crying
Oh how my heart aches.

You slipped so peacefully
from my hold
So fast no one knew
you had gone but me.
You were oh so tired
But now you are pain free.

My Mate
My Baby
My Diesel



9, May 2002