Dollar Emory by Chris and Cindy Emory / Daddy and Mommy and Mickey

Dollar was givin to me as a gift at 6 weeks of age, and gave us almost 3 years of comfort and joy. He was a courageous dog, coming home after being shot by a .22 caliber gun he was unable to use his rear legs or control his bladder. He came home against all odds. The vet did everything he could for our angel, but due to his injuries we had to make the difficult decision of having him put to sleep. It was probably one the most heart breaking things we have ever been through, as we were with him when he passed away on 6-20-05. We then brought him home where he rightfully belongs and buried him next to our goldfish pond where he spent many days trying to figure out how to get them. Our hearts yearn for him, but we know we will be with him one day.

Dollar, your mom and Dad love you, and miss you very much! Your brother Mickey will miss you greatly also.


With all our love,
Dollar Emory
Chris and Cindy Emory