Domino by Kaylee and Family



September 16 1996 ----- April 15 2000

Springer/Black Labrador


This is for a dog who always wanted to play,

in sunshine or rain in one place he would not stay.

This is for a dog who didn't run but would hop

and when we got home he just wouldn't stop.


This is for a dog who rolled snowballs with his nose,

who ate everything and tore up the garden hose.

This is for a dog who played with his chain.

Who always made us smile and didn't bring us any pain.


This is for a dog who sat on top of his house,

and looked around while being quiet as a mouse.

This is for a dog who howled at the church bells.

Who would hang his head whenever we someone yells.


This is for a dog who had a cat friend.

Who growled at strangers our lives he would defend.

This is for a dog who would put up his paw.

Just for you to shake everytime it was you he saw.


This is for a dog that God took away.

Our happiness ended that cruel cold day.

This is for a dog who is still playing,

but only in heaven where he will be staying.


This is for a dog who still hops.

And when we go Home he won't stop.

This is for a dog who doesn't now have a chain.

And for the Angels he will never bring pain.


This is for a dog who still rolls snowballs with his nose.

Who now chews on halos and tears up God's garden hose.

This is for a dog who sits up on his house.

And looks around and he still sees us.


This is for a dog who still howls at church bells.

Who ruins the holy choir and hangs his head when they yell.

This is for a dog who has cat friends.

All the Angels he defends.


This is for a dog who puts up his paw.

Wanting them to shake whoever he saw.

This is for a dog who is still in our lives.

The only difference is it's in Heaven he now thrives.


Written by Kaylee 13 years old


Kaylee and Family









Kaylee and Family