" Doobers "
1979 ---- Oct. 9 1998
One of a Kind.......
You were always there with a purr and a smile
we went through so much together mile after mile.
When ever I saw you you meowed just like a tiger
you lived a good life but your time has expired.
You loved sitting behind me in my chair by the computer
now that spot will be empty so long my poor Doobers.
You loved waiting for me to come home and see you
but now you've gone away and I'm so going to miss you.
You lived a long life so full and endearing
but when I come home now they'll be just a sad empty feeling.
You've gone to a better place now where all gods creatures go
theres birds and flowers there but how I'll miss you so.
I left that in the cats wooden box before I buried him,
it seemed like the right thing to do.
I loved him so much I miss him terribly already.
It's so strange not seeing him when I come home
it'll take sometime I guess before I get over him.
"Please come see "Doobers" at his Home tribute Site."
Doobers |
Lyndon |