Duke by Samantha Denby / Samantha

I remeber that wonderful day when we recieved Duke. He was at an abonded Trailer by my aunt’s House. He was a very friendly dog. He love his new home. He lived with my Father and his wife. We soon got another Bosten Terrior as well. We name her Dasiey. Soon we had Duke and Dasiey. I remember going over to my dad’s on the weekends and the dogs being so happy to see us. Soon Duke and Dasiey had pups. She had 8 all together. We keep two. LIL’Duke and Raider. Lil duke was my baby. We keep him b/c he was the fatest and cutest to me of course. We eventually moved and We moved close to a highway. One day Duke got out of the fence and Was hit by a big truck. I still remember that day like it was yesterday, Lil’duke was so sad. He went over and licked his dad and just laid there beside him. It was so sad. I will alaways remember Duke. I love you Baby!! I will see you when I get to heaven.


Love you Duke
Samantha Denby