Duke HACK by Shelley and Jordan Hack / Your beloved master, JORDAN

Duke Hack was sent to us by GOD on January 2nd, 1999. My son Jordan was going thru his fifth open heart surgery, scheduled for March, 22, 1999.. Because of his fragile health, he was not expected to make it. To make matters worse, his mental attitude was shattered. HE was 9 years old, fed up, tired, and he basically just wanted to die.. His surgeons advised us, if his mental capacity didn’t change, he would surely succumb to the outcome. I pleaded with him to stay strong, none the less, he simply wanted to die. Until, he watched the movie..”AIR BUD”.. a story about a golden retriever who played basketball.. HE then offered me a bargain. Get him a dog like “AIR BUD” or he wouldn’t fight to live..

I searched and searched for a new batch of puppies from a breeder of Golden Retrievers, and this is when the miracle first began. NOt only did I find a breeder, I found the 2nd best breeder of Golden retrievers in Canada, a few miles down the road where I lives… The second miracle.. I contacted the breeder through email, and she just happened, to have a new batch of puppies. She suggested I go and visit. Along I go, with my son in tow, and visit.. The third miracle, my son chose his puppy even before we entered her farm. She showed me all of her ribbons, and certificates that her dogs won, and how her dogs were bred for no temperance, and lots of luv. My son chose his name, to be DUKE, as he loved the DUKES OF HAZARD, when the show was popular.

The fourth miracle, Jordan was not allowed to have his puppy, unless he fought and survived his fifth open heart surgery, and the deal was done.. The breeder kept the puppy, and weeks later, Jordan underwent a grueling 7 hour open heart surgery. Three days in the critical care unit, and on life support, I was awakened by a nurse, who advised me they were going to take Jordan off life support. As I waited for the outcome, I was informed one hour later that Jordan was trying to say something, and it seemed to be important, and he wanted to speak to me. With a picture of his puppy Duke, over his hospital bed, I approached him in great anticipation that he would complain of at lot of pain. But as I put my ear to his mouth.. were words, that I, nor three nurses and two surgeons would ever forget… He remembered the deal.. and so his words were, horse as his voice was..but very audible….

I GET TO KEEP DUKE NOW…Against all odds, and major surgery, a puppy named Duke,, brought a 9 year old child from the brink of death, to a fullness of life, I’ve never seen him have after so many years of hardship… Unfortunately, and with great sorrow, we had to put Duke down due to an incontrollable seizure disorder nine years later. But from that day on, this dog never, ever left his side, nurtured him, protected him, thru even one more surgery after that… This was just not a dog, this was a gift from GOD.. who returned to GOD, and we are now looking forward to seeing our beloved DUKE…. May GOd keep you, as you did your master JORDAN… DUKE… GOODBYE my friend, you will never ever be forgotten.. and may this story be a blessing to all who reads them…

Always and forever,

Shelley and Jordan


Duke, may you trott again in eternity,
Shelley and Jordan Hack