Somehow she popped the cage door open, she was always too brilliant for a ferret. My dog got to her, and I arrived a second too late. I saw the bite… the bite that would kill her hours later. I am only 13. I was never really dedicated to caring for her, Dutchess, and her cagemate Sprite. I’d always feed and water them, and play (yet not everyday, which I regret).
When I held her… I was hypervenilating… and then my parents returned home. I had to go to sleep, knowing that my baby was dying in my parents hands… Her last couple of hours of life had to be her best. All she ever wanted was to have attention. And she laid in my mothers lap the rest of her life, a couple of hours well she watched tv, pretending that everything would be okay, but knowing that blow to the stomach…
I wish I had heard her screaming a minute earlier, or for some reason had the need to go play with her… but I’ll never forget the way she played. Tag being the favorite, and the last time I kissed her soft fur. I wish god had left her alone, for I am losing my dog Monday, he bit someone, you see… two in only a few days is traumatizing……
Love your pets,
you’ll never know
when they may go,
Mommy/Erin Palmer
Dutchess |
Erin Palmer |