Eekie by Dawn Barrett / Mommy

My little angel baby came to me on August 20, 1993. He was left to fend for himself underneath my friend’s aunt’s house. Lisa had to go to her aunt’s to feed their dog Shelly and the kitten that Yates (uncle) had rescued a few day before.

We had to go into the barn to get the kitten. I couldn’t believe my eyes, here was this little black ball of fluff, screaming his little head off as he was hungry. Lisa tried to get him to eat but had no luck. I took him and held him in the palm of my left hand and coaxed the bottle into his little mouth. He finally took it and ate like a little pig.

Since Merte was in her late sixties, I asked Lisa if she thought her aunt would mind if I took the little guy home and fed him until weaned, that way Merte didn’t have to get up every two hours to feed him. I ended up taking the baby home and fell in love with him. When I got him he didn’t even have his baby teeth in yet, that’s how young he was. I stopped in the vet’s office with him to see if they had an idea of how old he was–about 1 1/2 weeks! His front feet turned under whenever he tried to walk making him fall over. What a site!

He never meowed–only a tiny “eek” is all. Hence his name “Eekie”. He slept in his box next to my bed until he got so he could crawl out. After that it was between pillows and me in my waterbed. Every night from the time he was a little baby Eekie slept in my arms.

He loved to go camping with “Mommy” and ride in the car. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 24, 2002 from kidney failure. I miss my little angle baby and will be with him one day when I cross the Rainbow Bridge to be with him and the rest of my family.


All my love now and forever
Dawn Barrett