Elle by Danielle / Mummy

Hey Elle,

I miss you so much, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you when you needed me the most, and I know this is going to sound really horrible and selfish of me but in a way I’m glad I wasn’t there. You were like my best friend, no you were my best friend and watching you pass away I’m not sure I would of coped with that, I know I’m not coping at the moment nor when my dad told me.

When dad rang me last night I already knew what he was going to tell me even before I answered it; he never rang me especially at that time of night and I had a horrible feeling all day that something bad was going to happen but I wasn’t prepared for you to go I don’t think I was ever going to be prepared for that. You were so special to everyone, you made every shed a tear when they had learnt that you had passed on.

I miss you so much Elle. I can’t stop crying even if I think of you tears just come out. I love you so much and I always will, no one can ever replace you. You were the sweetest dog ever even if you did annoy me at night by snoring so loud, it gave me comfort to know
you were there with me.

I can remember you when you were just a puppy you used to follow me around everywhere actually you still did that when you grew up. That is how I chose you, I chose you even before I had asked my parents if we could have a dog and that was hard to do, but in the end I got you and those years were the happiest I’ve ever been and I hope you were happy to you deserved the best any dog could have.

The pain of losing you will never go away, but I’m just glad that you never suffered and you died peacefully and in company rather than by yourself and that your now in doggy heaven running round like a maniac just like you did
when you were here with us.

I love you Elle and I always will, you will always own a peace of my heart as well as everyone’s that knew you. You were that loved
and I hope you knew that.


Love you forever, You are always here with me.