Elli by Ashley / Love ya

Elli- she was my best friend!
I loved her very much.
This one is for you Elli!
Elli-~you have been my best friend for so long and I miss you so much! I can’t believe we had to put you to sleep because you were so sick that you would have died really soon! I will never love anyone or anything as much as I loved you and I will never trust another dog as much as I trusted you! Thanx you for being there for me for 11 years now! I will miss you forever!

Dear Elli-

You have been my best friend for many years. I can’t even remember a time when you weren’t there for me, and worst of all I can’t remember a year without you. Even now I still have fresh memories of you from when I was little and up until today. When you leave I don’t know how I will react. Every morning I would wake up and you would be down stairs waiting for me to let you out or give you a bone. Sometimes at night I would hear your little tail thumping around or you moving around trying to fall a sleep. I never thought I would see the day when you would be gone. I guess I thought you would live forever, and
I always hoped you would.

When you die I will always remember you and always think of you. I never will be able to love another dog as much as I loved you. If there were any way that we could save you we would in a heart beat! But however you are so sick we can’t. When we move into our new house I will always wish you could be there to experience it with us. And when I come home from school I will look for you as if you never left.


I love u and miss u,