Emily by Jennifer Nelson / Mommy Jennifer

My mom brought a wonderful cat name Emily home. I totally feel in love with her. She was a cat that you couldn’t let her go. She loved to sit in your lap and take a lot of naps and her favorite thing was food. Mom put her on a diet for me. I WAS A Student in Willmar Minnesota and every time I came home she was waiting right on the chair for me crying for joy. She would jump on my lap and give me a kiss. My mom ask me if I wanted to take her to Willmar one day and I did. She was trained to live in the grange in the country. My roommates help take care of her.

One really sad day came for me and to day I still can’t get over her. One of my staff workers came to work and she called me back to the office. She told me that my cat Emily was laying in the road. The hardest thing I ever did was to walk up there. I couldn’t stop crying crying.

I got up to the driveway. I brought her favorite blanket with me and the shovel. I wrapped her up in it just crying and put her under the tree because I had to get ready for work.

When I got back home from work I went and sat by the tree and told her how much I loved her and I buried her under a little tree and I sat there crying because I couldn’t let her go. I still cat let her go.

It’s like losing a family memeber you really love, but Emily I want to say how much I love you and I think about you every day. God bless you, Emily. Lots of love and I’ll see you some day.


Jennifer Nelson