FAIRWAY by Donna / Dad and Donna

You were found by Dad on a golf course on Long Island. The day Dad showed you to Mom you were sitting under a tree in the pouring rain, the raindrops falling from the bottom of your ears, your big brown eyes staring up at them…

What else could they name you, but ‘Fairway’?

The vet said he thought you had been abused and abandoned, but no one would know it, not from your loving and sweet disposition…

Throughout the years you have been a companion,
comforter, and friend. Not much in this life is certain and unchanging… but your unconditional love was a constant in our lives.

You were Dad’s ‘shadow.’

The void since you went to heaven to be with Mom
is vast, but we loved you too much, my baby, to let you suffer. If I close my eyes I can still see you prancing as you walk, and still hear your
heartwarming beagle howl.

I know you are with Mommy now… I can see you running to her, with your ears flapping in the wind and your tail wagging, as she calls to you… and you finally reach her and jump into her outstretched arms…

Thank you, my puppy, for the limitless love you
gave so generously, for the emptiness you filled, for your priceless companionship, for the happy times your presence made even happier, and for seeing us through the sad as only you could do…

My sweet ‘Fair’, we will carry you in our hearts, minds, and souls,

