Fang by Mari / MOMMY

I got Fang when I was living in Chicago. I called him Fang because the 1st night we got him he was so scared he bite the top of my foot. He was the MOST BEAUTFUL pure white cat with the mosy amazing blue eyes, which caused him to be born deaf. But my no means DUMB!!

He was wonderful when 1 year later we got his brother Lucky, he taught him so much about love. Fang loved to sleep on my back when we went to bed or even watch T.V. Sometimes he would tip off and look up at he like what happen from the floor LOL!! He was wonderful friend so you imagine when 2 months ago when the vet said he had cancer in his jaw, it broke my heart:< He was brave and strong up to the end, when he got real bad and I had to bring him to the vet for the last visit this past week:< :< There's so much I'm going to miss about Fang but the most are the nights, I'm still waiting for him to jump up on my back. GOD BLESS YOU MY LITTLE HANDICAP CAT XXXOOO  
