Floppy by Michelle Graham / Michelle

We got Floppy from Hampshire in September 1989, she was about 12 weeks old. She was a beautiful dalmation. We got her because my mum always wanted a ‘spotty dog’. There wasnt many dalmations around in those days, so she got a lot of attention when she went out.

Floppy was very lively and a real handful,
but that was just part of her character.

My mum starting a collection of dalmation toys and ornaments etc. There were dalmations everywhere.

The thing I loved most about Floppy was her SMILE, very time she saw you she gave you a lovely smile.

Floppy was very protective
of her family and home and didn’t like strangers.

We had 11 wonderful years with floppy and its was one of the saddest days of my life when she died, we knew it was coming because she was getting old and getting slower and she was having lots of illnesses, but it didnt make it any easier.

Floppy was so special and I still miss her and think about her every day. But she had a good life and lived to a good age.


With all our love,
Michelle Graham