Fluffy by Courtney, Brianna, Adrienne, Brian / Mom, Dad, Court.and Brea

I was getting ready to go to school and I had heard Fluffy whimpering. So I ran out there to see what was wrong. I petted her head to see if she was sleeping and she lifted her head up a little then layed it back down and she did not open her eyes. I asked my bus driver if I could call my mom to inform her about her. I could not get a hold of her. So threw the whole day I was worried about her to make sure that she was ok. When I got off the bus I ran into the house and
I asked my mom where fluffy was.

She was balling her eyes out. She had told me that we had to put her to sleep. I had asked why. She told me because she had this scratch on her butt and all kinds of maggots got under her skin and on her bones. She was in so much pain that she could not walk or stand. Before she left us she looked up at my dad and gave him a kiss on the face.

I wish that I was the one she gave a kiss too.
We still miss her today and I wish I could be in heaven with her.


We will always love you,
Courtney, Brianna, Adrienne, Brian