Francesco by Carrie / Carrie

In March of 1990 I found a 6-7 month old puppy..quite emaciated and very frightened. He had been the subject of abuse to neighborhood boys someone said. I took him home planning to find him a new family..
This past Sunday, April the 13th, 2003 I sent him home to be with God. His name was Francesco.
He was such an unusual little appearance and personality. Some kind of Jack Russell, dachshund mix with pure golden fur and all black nails. He was tough yet so in-tuned to me that I came
to call him my little soulmate.
When he got sick 2 years and 7 months ago with autoimmune liver disease I fought hard to help him. I promised him though that he would not suffer..and he didn’t. The vet told me last week it was coming close to the end and the night before he died he slept on my chest all night. The following morning he began to show signs of discomfort. I knew that letting him go would be easy ..letting him go on just for me would have been impossible.
He is with God I am sure. I will always love him and find comfort in knowing that he always came first..My pain is softened knowing that I kept my promise.


All is Well Francesco...