Fugi by Jana Huckabay / Love you always,

Fugi was my life, my heart and he was my son. I had him for 14 years and it was the best 14 years of my life. He gave me so much sunshine and happiness in my life. He has been gone four years now and I still cry for him everyday of my life. He was the most precious little angel and so cute and so smart. He is the greatest dog in the world. He loved me so much and his grandma and papa, too. They baby sat for me when I had to go out of town and things like that.

He developed heart problems and a year after I found out he had this medical problem, he started having bad seizures so bad that he had to be put to sleep and it was one of the hardest things in my life I ever had to do. It killed me and I will never get over it. His loss has broke my heart and I am dying inside and out over him.

I miss him so much. I would hold him like a baby, and he was my baby. My son and I would get baby blankets to cover him with when he got cold. I bought him little kids chairs and tons of stuffed animals. He had everything he wanted and you guessed it he was very very spoiled, but that was my baby, and he deserved to be spoiled and
have anything he wanted.

I have sufferd so much and have been in so much pain over losing my son, but I know he is with GOD now and he isn’t sick any more and is not suffering and I thank GOD, for that.

His very first toy I bought him was a yellow chicken that had 2 little wings and he loved to grab a hold of the wings and he would just shake it and then he would let it go and it would go up in the air.

Grandma and Papa took him to the lake with them one time and my son was just walking around checking things out. You know how dogs do and he got messed up in some fishing line and it had a dead fish on the end of it and it scared him so bad he didn’t know what was happening and he took off running and of course that string with the dead fish on it was following the poor little thing and he just didn’t know what to do but run and my mom and dad said it was so funny how it happened and the way he was running trying to get away from it, but it just kept following him. I know it wasn’t funny to Fugi, but I can just see him taking off running trying to get away from the fish and it kept following him.

I felt sorry for my baby when they told me what happend to him, but he is my baby and I miss him dearly and I think about him everyday and shed alot of tears over him. All I want is to see my son again and
I know I will and I can’t wait and I am here to tell you
he was the boss of the house, too.

He was everything to me, my world, my heart, my life. He is a precious little angel. Mama loves you and misses you, son. I think about you everyday of my life and you are in my heart forever and always and you are missed very very much by us all. I know you are with GOD, and your brothers and sisters and I know you are playing and having fun, and I am so happy you aren’t sick any more. Mama will see you again.

I love you with all my heart and soul.

I love you,



I love you my precious son.
Jana Huckabay