Gizmo by Michelle Campbell / Your mommy

I never thought that when I carried you in my palm while driving you back to your new home with me, that I could love you as much as I do. You were just the tiniest little cotton ball and you grew to be the most special thing to me. You were my child. I will never forget all of the unconditional love and laughter you gave to me thoughout the 9 years that I got to spend with you. It has only been one day since you’ve been gone but I have never felt so lonely as I do now without you next to me while I type this to you. I can’t stop expecting to see you laying on my bed when I walk in the room or hearing you bark at everything on TV. I would give anything in this world to have you back with me. I will love you and miss you forever. You will always be my baby gizmo giz.


I love you,
Michelle Campbell