Goldie by Margaret / Mommy Margaret

I remember seeing my Goldie at the local SPCA in Houston, Texas in October 2000. She was barely 6 weeks old. I knew my Goldie was mine when I first laid my eyes on her. She had just arrived to be checked-in. Her little papers were not yet in the cage for details of her description.

She came to live with me and Precious, my cat, in a small 1 bedroom apartment. We had fun taking walks and playing. I was only able to keep her for 6 months until I lost my apartment. She and Precious went to live with my mom and step-dad.

I visited my Goldie when I got a chance. She remembered me everytime I came over to my Mom’s house. She’d talk to me in her little dog voice and wag her little tail wildly. Other times, she’d run across the yard and “greet” me by jumping as high as she could to tell me “Hello”. My mom spoiled her rotten.

She was so spoiled that she got to eat lasagne, pasta with meatballs, cooked rice with chicken, her own “gravy” whenever she wanted.

She was a very healthy dog until about three weeks ago. She was diagnosed with pancreatis and all of her little organs started to fail rapidly after that. She stayed overnight for 2 days on her 1st visit. She got to come home for about a week until her 2nd visit back to the vet. I was working that day and had wanted to come and see her that night. This was during the workweek and traffic was terribly heavy that day so I went home on Thursday, Dec 1st, 2005. My mom and stepdad stayed at the vet for awhile to visit my Goldie well after they had closed. My sister even tried to come and visit my Goldie but the staff would not let her in.

The vet had planned to give her a complete blood transfusion during the night and give her another the next morning. The next morning came, I called the vet immediately when they opened. The vet doctor proceeded to tell me what their plan was leading up to that morning.

She said my Goldie tried and fought very hard to stay with us but gave up at 7am on December 2, 2005 and went into a comatose and passed on at 7:30 am.

I felt so bad for not seeing my Goldie before she passed on. I feel so miserable and wonder if she knew if I loved her dearly even when I could not physically be with her during her final days. I did “speak” with her a few days by phone to tell her I loved her and I would miss her (my mom held the phone to her little ears). My mom says my Goldie got up excited when she heard my voice. I just wish there was a way that I can “see” her just for a moment.


With all of my Love,