My Hegan was only about Two and a half when he started limping one morning I thought maybe I let him work to hard the night before he loved to swim and it didn’t matter to him if it was over 100 digress or ice on the water he would go in he never seemed to get cold so I would, much to his dislike stop him when the water was to cold.
I called my vet and made an appointment for that Monday for it was Saturday then with in two hours he could not stand on his back legs I once again called the vet they said to bring him in. In just that amount of time he seemed to lose all feeling in his hind legs and all bladder control which broke his heart. Never once since I got him at seven weeks had he messed on the floor. He was a very proud gentleman.
Then to add to his horror I had to carry his 125 pounds to my car where I got the strength I don’t know. He still didn’t not make a sound. When I got Hegan at seven weeks old he turned out to be my best friend if I asked it he did it. We went in to search and rescue training he loved the work but while out hiking one day someone carelessly did not have their dog on a leash and their dog noticed us before his owner did and tried to attack me he grabbed my left arm but before his teeth could do much damage Hegan attacked he was five months at the time and the other dog a five year old pit bull I lost it what chance did my puppy have against this grown dog but I guess his love for my added to his strength then at last the other dogs owners showed up and got control of their dog then they took off.
I was left with my bleeding puppy who in the end only suffered the loss of his right eye. But that ended his search work the loss of his eye made his a little nervous if another dog walked on his right side. That was not his only time he saved me when he was about a year old my now ex-husband tried to beat my to death.
He had locked Hegan in the bedroom so when I came home from work Hegan wouldn’t be in the way, he was wrong Hegan didn’t let a locked door stand in his way to save his beloved mom. Hegan saved my life twice and in the end I could not save his.
He had a disease that degreased his spinal cord I found out later that this disease is found in German Shepherd dogs. With in four hours I had to have him put to sleep. My proud baby that never even whimpered no matter what was crying that is the only way to describe the noise he was making. Nothing could be done to save him and to leave him in that condition would have broke his heart. So I nodded my head to the vet for I couldn’t speak. The vet came over and sit next to me on the floor and did one last check. Hegan had lost feeling up to his front legs so he was getting worse. The vet asked if I was ready how can you be ready to let your best friend go but yes it was time to let Hegan sleep free of the pain.
He seemed to fight the medicine for a moment I leaned to his ear and whispered to him that he was a good boy and he could go to sleep I would be okay and after I said that his head fell limp in my lap like he wanted to know I would be okay.
He is missed by everyone that met him. One day I might be ready for another German Shepherd dog but not right now.
With our love, You are missed,
Hagen |
Cristal Ross |