

" Heidi "

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To Our Best Friend Heidi Late September in "84"

We brought home a puppy We grew to adore

As she grew in Strength and size

She started to put A gleem in everyones eyes

Apart of our family She quickly became

Caring and loving That was her game

All of our children She did help to raise

And glady did it For little or no praise

She wasn't just our friend The neighbors will tell

She would go to their door To greet them as well

She had a motive She loved to eat

So while at their door She would beg for a treat

She loved to play ball and chase the bunny

Her favorite song was "Rawhide" She was always so funny

There was nothing She wouldn't try

And if you wouldn't let her She would start to cry

She had one weakness We all knew well

If you had a pizza She was your pal

All of her sleep She did treasure

To be comfortable That was her pleasure

If I had a bad day I really didn't care

Because when I came home Heidi would always be there

As years went on And she started to slow

Her personality Continued to grow

We loved this dog She was the very best

That is why it was so hard To put her to rest


Love your family


