Hennessey by JR and Judy Prevatte / Mommy and Daddy

Especially for Hennessey—
September 19, 1991 – August 1, 2005

We remember when you were just a ball of fluff.
At 10 weeks old, we couldn’t love you enough.
When you finally grew into those big paws of yours,
You could play with your babies for hours and hours.

Smart as a whip and so easy to train,
But for a water dog, you sure hated the rain.
You traveled so well to all parts of the earth,
And you never complained about learning new turf.

So gentle and loving to all that you knew,
The little ones were always very special to you.
Some said a mommy’s boy, spoiled through and through,
But you carried a special place in your heart for Daddy too.

For fourteen years you’ve brought us such joy,
Please know you will always be “our special boy”.
We will miss you and grieve
as our tears overflow,
We gain comfort from knowing it’s a special place
that you go.

Our hearts are heavy as we say our goodbyes,
All the love in your heart, we can see in your eyes.
You’ve been so much more than a companion and friend,
At Rainbow Bridge together we’ll be a family again.


All our love,
1, Aug 2005
JR and Judy Prevatte